Monday, October 24, 2011

Censorship sucks fucking ass

It's 2011 and our lives seem to revolve around Facebook 24/7. Hey I'm not complaining, after all I'm the one who kept everyone updated on my labor process and told my husband "quick take a picture of him, I gotta update my Facebook" before I was even stitched up. Yes. I'm a Facebook junkie and I ain't afraid to say it!

But see, it's one thing to share your life with friends and family. But what's with all this fucking drama? Ok. Let me give you a heads up. I may be about to say a thing or two that pertains to you, but for fucks sake, if you're not wearing your big girl panties you might as well just go ahead and stop reading now. So. Panty-check! You good? Alright.
Ok first of all. If you are sick of certain people on your Facebook, delete them. Why do people feel the need to announce to us all that they're going to clean up their friends list and get everyone all "scared" like "oh my god, oh my god I hope I make the cut, whatever shall I do if I get deleted?" Then, they announce they're done and "if you can see this" you got lucky. Holy fucking shit now are we all special or what? Suddenly my life has a meaning, I now know why I'm alive!
What a load of fucking puppy doodoo!!!!! If you feel the need to delete me because I gave you a heartfelt piece of my sick and twisted mind and you didn't like it for the sole reason of you being stupid, then for fucks sake please oh god please delete me already!!!!

Now let's move on to my actual "issue". If you're a "friend" on my Facebook page, and for some odd reason you don't like what I have to say, you are more than welcome to point that out. Not saying I'm gonna give a shit but I guess it's worth trying and I AM indeed mature enough to admit when I'm wrong. However, if you seriously have an issue with me expressing myself in a way my mother didn't teach me, then well, suck it the fuck up. I'm not here to please YOU!
"you're a mother, you shouldn't be saying such things"
Looky here hoe, I don't know what your life is like but I DO have a lot of built up anger and frustration, I don't get why people think telling me I'm an "angry person" is gonna change anything haha But really now, this holding back shit isn't working for me and it's definitely NOT healthy so. So now may be the perfect time for you to "delete" me (NOOOOO!!! Please don't do it!!! Bohoooo).
"oh it's just Facebook, we're still friends in real life" uhmmm NOOOOO. What part of me admitting that Facebook has taken over my life, didn't you get? Facebook and my "real life" are one. I'm an addict and I don't plan on going to rehab.
And uhm, I'm no different in real life than I am on fb. Quite frankly, I think it's save to say, I'm probably even worse in person.

Bottom line, get over your fucking self or kiss my motherly white ass!

Over and out bitches!

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