Friday, April 8, 2011

Amen (downer blog)

If there's one thing I've learned over the past few days, it's that NOTHING in this world is sacred anymore. I've always made myself believe that being in the Military was the best way for us to ensure our familiy was always taken care of. Not because of the ignorant believes of some, that you make a ton of money in the service, which I'm sorry to dissapoint so many of you, 'cause it really isn't. Oh, and rent isn't "free" either, we pay rent, it simnply gets taken directly out of our paycheck.
No, but because we had the feeling of stability. You can't just "get fired" in the Army. Well not unless you screw up big time. You have somewhat ok medicare. Me personally I always felt saver living on a miltary installation. Well, and up until now, we thought our pay was ALWAYS ensured. Ha! Naive little people we are.
Yes the government didn't shut down. Yes we are going to get paid on the 15th. It's great, I'm happy, no I am thrilled. But WHY, I ask this great government, WHY do I have to be put in the situation where I don't know whether I will have a next paycheck to pay bills and buy food? Why am I being put in a situation where I have to worry about any of that? Why you effin sons of bitches would you even for just a slight second consider, making your service men and women, continue to still fight for your gucci and dolce asses, but NOT paying them while you still cash in on your high ass salaries?
I've stood my ground and I've made my point clear over and over and I'm exhausted. I am truly exhausted. I've come across so many ignorant low lives over the last few days, it's not even funny. I don't want to waste another minute arguing about it. Especially not with people that aren't worth it.
As for me and my family, I think we've made our own decisions how we're gonna get out of this one. It is time to move on.
United States of America. Land of the "free". Puts that all in a new light if you ask me.

And while the world is shaking their heads and laughing behind closed doors about how pathetic this government truly is, there's an endless number of ongoing wars. It's making me sick.
 Ivory Coast, Lybia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Syria just to name some of them.

Poverty. Desperation. Natural Disasters. Brutal murders. Rape on children. The list goes on and on.

This world is such a sad place. It's filled with so much tragedy nowadays. I don't know where I went wrong that I can't seem to be watching the news without being in tears. When others can watch the news, turn them off and go on like they've just watched a re-run of desperate housewives. Doesn't this affect you people? Is it really just me who seems to think people need to stand up for what is right and take steps toward a better world? Am I the one who needs to reconsider and finally start taking it as it is and turn into a selfish being who cares about nothing but herself? I'm so sick of it. I really am. I'm teaching my children to be kind to others, to help the ones in need. Are my kids gonna think I'm some psycho nut job for wanting to make this world a better place? Is it already too late to even try???

Humanity seems to have gotten lost somewhere down the road and no one seemed to bother to turn around and pick it up. Along the way we just kept tripping over it but were to busy with ourselves to dust it off and put it back in its place.

My frustration with this world is immense. So is my disappointment with everyone in it. This world hasn't become the way it is because it just happened. It's because WE let it happen.

May God have mercy on us and bring us back to the right path.

Turn my mic up louder I got to say something
Light weights step to the side when we come in

Feel it in your chest the syllables get pumping
People on the street they panic and start running

Words on loose leaf sheet complete coming
I jump in my mind and summon the rhyme, I'm dumping

Healing the blind I promise to let the sun in
Sick of the dark ways we march to the drum and

Jump when they tell us that they wanna see jumping
Fuck that I wanna see some fists pumping

Risk something, take back what's yours
Say something that you know they might attack you for

Cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before
Like it's stupid standing for what I'm standing for

Like this war's really just a different brand of war
Like it doesn't cater the rich and abandon poor

Like they understand you in the back of the jet
When you can't put gas in your tank

These fuckers are laughing their way to the bank and cashing the cheque
Asking you to have compassion and have some respect

For a leader so nervous in an obvious way
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay

And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
In their living room laughing like "what did he say?"


In my living room watching but I am not laughing
Cause when it gets tense I know what might happen

World is cold the bold men take action
Have to react or get blown into fractions

Ten years old it's something to see
Another kid my age drugged under a jeep

Taken and bound and found later under a tree
I wonder if he had thought the next one could be me

Do you see the soldiers they're out today
They brush the dust from bullet proof vests away

It's ironic at times like this you pray
But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday

There's bombs in the buses, bikes, roads
Inside your market, your shops, your clothes

My dad he's got a lot of fear I know
But enough pride inside not to let that show

My brother had a book he would hold with pride
A little red cover with a broken spine

On the back, he hand-wrote a quote inside
When the rich wage war it's the poor who die

Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay

And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
both scared and angry like "what did he say?"


With hands held high into the sky so blue,
As the ocean opens up to swallow you.