Thursday, March 24, 2011

Good morning - is it?

"It might be a good idea to avoid using the phone today. You are likely to get some strange and unsettling phone calls, especially from siblings or close friends, who seem to have some pretty strange ideas all of a sudden. Double check all facts before taking a stand in an argument."<---- my horoscope for today... ME - stay away from my PHONE???? Good one. But seeing how AGAIN I was up way too early thanks to my husband's stupid but pretty cat (yes dear, RayRay is YOURS) I really don't think I'm in need of anything else to upset me. I have 13 minutes left until my alarm goes off, let's see how much sleep I can get out of that. Ha. 

By the way, may I just say that the fact that I can blog via sending an email to my blog address is pretty darn awesome.

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