Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Well here we go. Another day down, god knows how many more to go.
I really don't know what it is that makes kids snap at random occasions. Mimi had one of her episodes today in the Commissary... Like seriously, could you be any more like the devil's child? I sure sometimes want to slap the looks off some people's faces especially when it's couples that are clearly WITHOUT children. Well either you're effin lucky for having a sitter when you go buy groceries OR you just don't have any kids, which therefor entitles you to what? Exactly. To shut the eff up and starr at your feet.

And it could have been a good day. Well if you don't count the fact that the cats woke me up - yet again - at 0530 in the morning meowing the crap out my ears and after that of course, I was wide awake. But, Tristan made it out of bed on time, got ready on time and left the house on time. Which in this house isn't such a daily thing anymore. Not lately anyway. The work order guy showed up at a decent time and fixed my dishwasher within a whole 30 seconds. Mimi slept until almost 9 and let me brush her hair without screaming the living crap out of me for "ripping out her hair". I got a phone call from the Red Cross notiying me that I won a Disaster Kit in last weeks food drive - well not that hard when you're like THE ONLY person on this entire post who donated anything. What a sad sad world.
We went to the thrift store. After that I went and finally got my breast pump back that someone had borrowed from me. I guess nowadays they raise them kids differently but I could have sworn it's when you borrow something from someone YOU return it and well, clean sorta kinda. But hey, nobody's perfect. Tought me yet another lesson, and I can hear my husband's voice in the back of my head "I told you not to let people borrow your stuff". Yeah hun, whatever :O) So then we had lunch with some old old friends. Not old age wise, just old as in "old friends". It's always the good ones leaving which makes military life so so so much harder than it already is. After lunch we went to the Red Cross Station to pick up my Disaster Kit and talked to the Manager there about the planned Fundraiser. It all seemed all pretty in pink right there and then. So after taking Mimi to ballet, which was shockingly very relaxing today with only 3 kids there (and my special 2 "friends" absent - praise the lord), getting Tristan from SAS and picking up a TV with build in DVD player AAAAND a working remote control for only 20$ ( people, it's the place to sell your stuff and find what you're looking for), we went home and I got to fundraising-planning. I had the form I needed, it was filled out, I was on my way out when I got the email telling me that in order to have the Red Cross Station here on post sponsor our fundraiser (which you have to in order to have a fundraiser on post period, you have to have a sponsor or write a letter to the Garisson Commander and then wait for his approval, god knows he's a busy man so I thought going with a sponsor would be less time consuming), I would have to go through their website and APPLY for such thing. That would take 7-10 business days, and if approved, I'd then have to go over legal stuff with the Station here and of course basically sign over my life and THEN the manager could sign the application to even have the fundraiser on post. And then again of course, you need like 500 more signatures. To make it all a little more complicated on my end, the application form on the website for the Red Cross, is for companies and such only.
After all that I tried sending my beloved one of my rant emails and in the middle of it all, my laptop (again my husband's voice "hun it's NOT a laptop, it's a NOTEBOOK") decided to jump back a page and there went my hate email and my chance of blowing off steam. I literally had to sit there and tell myself to slowly put everything down and "step away from the NOTEBOOK"!!!! I did and there we went to Karate practice. Which went well, too. Mimi decided to play good girl and only annoy people a little, waving princess wands in their faces or asking them if she could see the gum they were chewing. Tristan had a good practice and I can tell he enjoys the attention and praise.
It could have ended ok I guess. I could have had a somewhat enjoable rest of the day. But no, dumb ol' me had to go to the Commissary and buy food. Who does that nowadays anyway? So overated. Ha. It was a short trip, 10 minutes tops and we were checking out. 40 items or less, self check out please. No lady next to my line at the regular check out, I am using the self check out for a reason, I want to check out my items MYSELF so I would sincerely appreciate it if you wouldn't always TELL me to step over to the next line so YOU can check me out. Well that came out wrong, but anyway. So there goes Mimi screaming and screaming and I mean literally SCREAMING and crying. And Tristan didn't know why, and I sure as hell didn't know why and I don't think she even knew why herself. We did make it to the car, all kids alive I may note. That little stinker didn't even give me a chance to yell the living crap out of her for being such a brat (yes I YELL get over it, when was the last time YOU spanked your kid? ha! yeah I prefer to yell rather than that, so judge ME why don't ya)! By the time I had the groceries in the car and moved my big preggo butt in the car, little miss it's my party and I cry if I want to, was out cold. Well thanks a whole friggin lot.

One day out of many. It didn't go as planned. It could have gone better. BUT, another day down. Another day closer to being married and married again, rather than married and single...

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