Today was a good day.
First of all I must say, I am again, just like when I was pregnant with Tristan, in LOVE LOVE LOVE with Capri Sun Cherry :O) Let's just keep them fingers and toes and what not crossed that I won't, like when I was pregnant with Tristan, will gain 70lbs lol Actually let's make that a - (minus) "lol" because it simply wouldn't be funny. It never was and never will be. For some reason now my mind is drifting and I am reminded that I'm D U E for my second round of glucose testing which is like the most dreadful and disgusting torture I've ever had to endure. I just hope this time around it'll be easier, seeing how I'm not as nauseous anynmore as I was the first time they made me drink that nasty ol' stuff. And I'm sorry, but anyone saying it tastes good when it's right out of the fridge must have some serious issues lol That stuff's just plain
G R O S S! I wonder if I can get away with not doing it? I mean really what would happen? They can't force me now can they? Childish I know.
Today I was named "admin" of a fb page called "yes I work, I'm a stay at home mom". One out of I believe 5 admins with a page with way over 12,000 followers? Well I must say it is mainly the reason my day went as great as it did. I did a short introduction on the page and I have never, and I mean never, had so many people, well in this case women, women that have never met me, tell me that I am doing a great job over here and that they're thankful for my husband's and MY service! I have never had so many, aknowledge that there's not just the soldier who's giving up so much for his country, there's always someone behind that soldier. In this case, a loving and supporting wife and mother to his children. They wished us strength, luck and reminded me to make sure I make time "for myself". Me time.
It got me thinking. What really is "me time" about? Is it something I'm entitled to? If so, what is it that I do that gives me the right to think I deserve "me time"? When is the best time to have "me time" and most importantly, what really IS "me time"???
I honestly can't tell you when I truly did something by myself, for myself, for the last time. Something that benefit no one other than me. I keep telling myself, I really need my eyebrows done. I need a pedicure. Just simple things like that. Things a lot of moms around me do without any questions asked. Whether their husbands are home or in the field, deployed or TDY. They just do it. They'll leave their kids with a friend or an extra two hours at daycare without feeling guilty about it. Should they? I don't know. Since my husband is gone for a year, the CYS (for the non military, child youth services) gives me 16 free hours of childcare per child, per month. So while Tristan is in school, I could easily drop Mimi off at hourly care and get some of this "me time". Right?
Well I think I've used 9 hours so far this month, out of my 16, and the month will be over in a couple of days. What does that tell you? What should it tell ME? I'm not quite sure if I should take advantage of it or if I should feel guilty. Well it's not really about that it's more the fact that I simply DO feel guilty. Or I would if I'd actually do it. Sure when you have a prenatal appt it comes in handy not having to drag her along and have the staff give you the "did you not read the sign that says do NOT bring your children???" -looks but you know these days I quite frankly don't give a rats bottom if people like me bringing my kids or not. It's not like I have a choice.
So back to this "me time". Other than pedicure and eyebrows I really can't tell you what else I'd do if I should ever have such time to myself. I don't think it'd feel right. I'd feel like something or more someone is missing. I got used to having Mimi around all day so quickly that I don't think I could be without her. Isn't that kind of selfish? Maybe I'm just not giving myelf any "me time" because I'm afraid of being alone? Is "me time" really maybe only for people that don't have any fear? They don't mind being by themselves? Is this my way of coping? Am I truly using my children to make myself believe that I'm ok with being alone yet again, for another year, being pregnant with the possibility of giving birth without my husband by my side?
I never thougth about it that way until today.
I think this here, this is my "me time". I'm all by myself in front of my comp...NOTEBOOK. I'm digging deep and I'm processing. Yes, this is it. It may not fit the standard and it may not be what society intends but it's enough for me.
Here in a little bit I'll crawl onto my couch with Mimi and cuddle until either one of us falls asleep and I won't regret a second of it. My children are my life. There all I have right now, there all that keeps me going while my husband is away. So why would I want to be away from them unless I absolutely have to?
Me time. It's the time I don't have to give to people other than my family. My husband. My son. My daughter. And the life growing inside of me. Being able to spend every second of the day with them, THAT is my "me time". I don't need anything else. I wouldn't ask for anything else.
Here's to my pride and joy. My love. My life. My everything.
Here's to "me time".
I liked your post! Its very expressive. You dug into your heart and mind. Me time can be whatever you want it to be. Mine is fb, reading my bible, sewing, or creating stuff, something without being interupted to meet needs. I love my boys (3) 2,3, & 9, but it can be overwelming if i dont get that quite time to think, create, or whatever. :) Writing is me time. Its whatever you want it to be. Thats what I got out of this. BUT dont feel guilty if you take time to get your nails done, or hair or whatevers your thang, A happy healthy mom makes a happy healthy home! ;) Even if its just coffe with only women... That can b me time to.... lol ;) God Bless you!